About Pilates


What is Pilates?

Pilates is the king of core strength training: it involves a sequence of exercises, which aim to stretch, strengthen and balance the body. Your core is the powerhouse of your body (upper and lower abdominal muscles, lower back and buttocks) and it is these muscles that support good posture and maintain overall health and well-being. As you become stronger and more familiar with the exercises, new challenges are introduced to allow you to gradually progress in a safe and effective way. The result is a toned, lean, aligned and strong body without the bulk.

Joseph Pilates devised Pilates in the early 1900s as a means of physical fitness and total body well-being. Its six core principles are concentration, centering, precision, flow, control and breathing, and they are integral components of each Pilates session. Originally popular amongst dancers, gymnasts, boxers and professional actors, Pilates has now become accessible to the wider public – from those who want a stronger back or core, to those with specific injuries or medical problems. Pilates is a form of total body conditioning that is accessible to people of all ages and all levels of fitness.

Why Pilates?

Pilates is for anyone who is interested in improving the way they look, feel and move. Pilates is beneficial for those who have never exercised before, as well as those who have exercised all their lives.

You will also learn to incorporate Pilates into your day-to-day life e.g. how you stand and walk, how you exercise, sit at your desk or drive a car. Pilates allows you to move your body, focus your mind, increase body awareness and balance strength with flexibility.

As with any form of exercise, real change requires commitment. Joseph Pilates was quote as saying, “in ten sessions you will feel the difference, in twenty you will see the difference and in thirty you will be on your way to a whole new body”.

What are the benefits?

  • A more toned. mobile and flexible body

  • Leaner, longer muscles

  • A stronger core

  • Better posture

  • Better coordination

  • Greater body awareness

  • Injury prevention and rehabilitation

  • Increased lung capacity and circulation

  • Improved general fitness

  • A sense of calm and wellbeing

  • It’s fun and sociable!

“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.”

— Joseph Pilates